'coz I'd rather spend my time having fun instead of wasting it talking crap behind other people's back.. I juz don't get along with girls since there's always this unspoken competition..."who's prettier, who dresses better, who's smarter, etc etc..I hate the "I am better than you" attitude.. & I can't stand the useless drama.. they're s0o much more likely to go behind your back and talk about you, or judge you if you drank too much almost every night and were acting slightly ridiculous, or if your outfit wasn't matched properly.. blahhh blahh blahhh.. (enough to make my head spin & drive me insane) but with guys it's different. No pressure, you can say whatever you want, and there's no stupid gossiping and all that jazz.. I can even go out with a group of them who I'm not that close to and feel comfortable acting go0ofy around them coz they don't give a damn about it.. they don't make a big deal out of ...