I'm just a girl.. the kind of girl who enjoys the chase. I get a thrill when it comes to winning someone over and making them fall in love with me. Then when rough times in a relationship emerge, I run off kicking and screaming. I analyzed my actions once. I came to the conclusion that I'm afraid of getting too close to someone.. too close that somehow I would fall.. I don't wanna let that thing to happen because I'm scared.. scared to admit that sometimes I've got so weak.. all this time everyone thought that I'm strong.. that I don't care about everything.. that I'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy.. But I DID!!!.. Ohh yes I did!!!... & this is what I'm scared of.. scared to get hurt.. for the only one thing I've ever wished is to be HAPPY .. That's always been my prayer.. Though sometimes I'd wanted to be with someone.. But I didn't wish for it.. I never asked God to have that someone even though I wanted to.. for all I knoe people come & go.. they would say "HI" and later "GOODBYE"...

* waaaaaaaaa... gotta go...
to be continued ang show giatay...
wla nako'y time.. hahahahahaha..
au revoir... la proxima vez !! lol *
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