
“Doom at Your Service”: a 2021 South Korean drama series that was directed by Kwon Young Il --- Tak Dong Kyung (Park Bo Young) lost her parents in an early age due to a sudden accident. She is diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor forcing her to have less than 100 days to live. One night, she goes up to a rooftop and prays for the destruction of the world.  Her call this time is not unheeded when the destruction himself comes to her. Her words summon Myeol Mang (Seo In Guk), and strikes a fateful deal with him. She will be allowed to live the life she dreams of for the last 100 days and after which, Doom will take her soul.

Hambongan Island in Inabanga (Bohol, Philippines) Part 2

The Municipality of Inabanga is located at the northern coast of Bohol (Philippines), 71 kilometers from Tagbilaran City, and around 19 kilometers or a 30-minute drive from Tubigon Port.

Camote Delight Mo Diha! haha :D


Summer is Coming


Sword Art Online: Kirito & Silica



'coz I'd rather spend my time having fun instead of wasting it talking crap behind other people's back.. I juz don't get along with girls since there's always this unspoken competition..."who's prettier, who dresses better, who's smarter, etc etc..I hate the "I am better than you" attitude.. & I can't stand the useless drama.. they're s0o much more likely to go behind your back and talk about you, or judge you if you drank too much almost every night and were acting slightly ridiculous, or if your outfit wasn't matched properly.. blahhh blahh blahhh.. (enough to make my head spin & drive me insane) but with guys it's different. No pressure, you can say whatever you want, and there's no stupid gossiping and all that jazz.. I can even go out with a group of them who I'm not that close to and feel comfortable acting go0ofy around them coz they don't give a damn about it.. they don't make a big deal out of ...


I'm just a girl.. the kind of girl who enjoys the chase. I get a thrill when it comes to winning someone over and making them fall in love with me. Then when rough times in a relationship emerge, I run off kicking and screaming. I analyzed my actions once. I came to the conclusion that I'm afraid of getting too close to someone.. too close that somehow I would fall.. I don't wanna let that thing to happen because I'm scared.. scared to admit that sometimes I've got so weak.. all this time everyone thought that I'm strong.. that I don't care about everything.. that I'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy.. But I DID!!!.. Ohh yes I did!!!... & this is what I'm scared of.. scared to get hurt.. for the only one thing I've ever wished is to be HAPPY .. That's always been my prayer.. Though sometimes I'd wanted to be with someone.. But I didn't wish for it.. I never asked God to have that someone even though I wanted to.. for all I knoe...